Best Short Term Medical Insurance in 2020
Best Short Term Medical Insurance in 2020
What is Short Term Medical Health Insurance
Short-term health insurance offers benefits for medical costs related to injury and unexpected illness.
Because short-term plans are designed as temporary health insurance coverage for those between major medical plans, it can be a nice option when you’re trying to figure out how to afford permanent coverage.
If you’re relatively healthy, don’t qualify for ACA subsidies and don’t need the full range of benefits offered by a major medical insurance plan, then a short-term plan could be an option that makes sense for you.
How much is Short Term Medical Insurance
Short-term health insurance plans are available in many states for as little as $100 a month, which provides a quick and affordable solution if you’re between jobs or if you’ve just gotten off your parents’ health insurance and are currently waiting for open enrollment to begin.
Because of its numerous limitations, short-term health insurance is much less expensive than traditional major medical health insurance.
And although short-term insurance is not available in all states, it is available for purchase year-round, without a specific open enrollment period, in most states.
But short-term insurance is not regulated by the ACA.
How do I know which Short term Medical Health Insurance plans are best ?
There is no national database.
Each company has their own internal rules about what qualifies as a pre-existing condition, and which claims for reimbursement of medical expenses should be approved or denied.
There is no single, national, agreed-upon standard.
Do Short term Medical Insurance plans offer comprehensive insurance coverage?
The answer to this question depends on your definition of ‘comprehensive.
Most STM plans will cover up to $1 million of allowable claims during the coverage period.
For nearly all circumstances, this is very adequate insurance protection.
In some instances. people might have medical expenses that exceed the coverage limit.
All ACA plans — although usually more expensive — do not impose limits on claims and allowable medical expense.
How long does it take to apply and be approved for an Short term Medical Insurance?
For most people, it takes about five minutes to apply and be approved.
In most instances, coverage starts the next day.
However, you can also set your coverage duration period in the future if you know you will be uninsured on a specific day so you don’t have a gap in coverage.
Who might be best served by an Short Term Medical Insurance plan?
Those who are not eligible for premium tax credits (Obamacare subsidies) and those in good health that do not have major significant pre-existing conditions.
How much you can save with Short Term Medical Insurance
Bob is 63 1/2 years old and just retired from his long standing job of over 30 years.
Bob had planned to enroll in COBRA coverage to maintain his health benefits until he qualifies for Medicare.
However, Bob was surprised to learn that his cost for COBRA coverage would be over $800 per month!
We have a solution for Bob! Bob’s agent suggests he purchase a Short-Term Medical plan instead. This will give him coverage until he ages into Medicare and save him over $600 per month!
Short-Term Medical plans offering coverage up to 36 months are available in some states!
Best Short Term Medical Insurance Quotes HERE
There can be a lot of information to navigate and consider as you make a decision, and some of it may be confusing.
If you need help understanding these options, have questions about them, or want help determining which might be right for you, contact us.
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