Why am I part of the Mintco Financial team? Because I’ve come to learn how some small changes in life can make a significant difference to your overall quality of life. Especially when it comes to your finances, when you can control it, it is exciting and empowering, and once you have this important area under control it means you are free to do the things that really matter: focus on family, health, friends and life.
I come from a big Brazilian family, with two sisters and one brother. We all had the same education, but I can see how even coming from the same “root” can still have different ideas and ways on how to manage money.
One thinks life has to be lived to the fullest and doesn’t think about the future. Why would that be?
Living and planning your today, can only help make your future better and more peaceful.
I really enjoy being part of a team that can make the difference in someone’s life.
I am major in Business Administration with Masters in Marketing.
I am married to a great man and have two sons full of beans!
- Currently resides in Tampa, Florida
- Graduated in 1994 from the University Federal of Santa Catarina, Brazil, with a B.S. degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Logistics.
- 1998 ESL – concentration in business from the University of Berkeley, CA, USA and Lincoln University, San Francisco, CA – USA. MBA (Marketing) in 2002 from the FGV – ESAG, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
- 1989 started as an intern CPL – Ice Cream & Frozen Products Distribution – in Logistics.
(Palhoca-SC) 1991 worked at CPL – Ice Cream & Frozen Products as an accountant assistant. - 1992 – 1993 – Financial assistant – CPL- Ice Cram & Frozen Products.
- 1993 – 1994 Managed Ceramic & Tiles Show Room – Florianopolis – SC – Brazil 1994 – 1995 – Financial manager CPL – Ice Cream & Frozen Products.
- 1999 – Management of Costs at Makenji Clothing Stores – Florianopolis – SC – Brazil 1995 – 2004 – Financial and General Director -CPL – Ice Cream & Frozen Products.
- 2005 – present . Marketing Director and Accounts Manager for Mintco Financial, Inc., Owner of private Real Estate Company.