Medicare Plan Details

plans >>>
Contract Id
Plan Id
Overall plan rating
Base plan
Monthly premium deductible and limits on how much you pay for covered services
Chiropractic care
Dental services
Diabetes supplies and services
Diagnostic tests lab and radiology services and x-rays (Costs for these services may be different if received in an outpatient surgery setting)
Doctor's office visits
Durable medical equipment (wheelchairs oxygen etc.)
Emergency care
Foot care (podiatry services)
Hearing services
Home health care
Mental health care
Outpatient rehabilitation
Outpatient substance abuse
Outpatient surgery
Over-the-counter items
Prosthetic devices (braces artificial limbs etc.)
Renal dialysis
Urgently needed services
Vision services
Preventive care
Inpatient hospital care
Inpatient mental health care
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
Outpatient prescription drugs

DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! NOT FOR USE WITH MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES. THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR INTERNAL AGENT USE AND FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY.This information HAS NOT been reviewed by CMS and is not intended for use with a Medicare Beneficiary. It is a CMS Marketing violation to use "Unapproved Sales Materials" during a Sales Presentation with a Medicare Beneficiary. You may ONLY use the CMS approved marketing materials contained in a "Pre-Enrollment" kit and provided to you by the Company with whom you are appointed and certified to represent. While we strive to provide accurate information, the compilation of this data is a MANUAL process, so there is the possibility for Human Error. We do not warranty this information and we are not responsible for accuracy or improper use. Do not make any representations to potential clients regarding plan information contained herein, you should ONLY refer to the Summary of Benefits contained in the Pre-Enrollment kit.

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